The service you deserve.
Louise White VA will provide a written estimate to the client and the client's signed acceptance will be required prior to the commencement of work.
In urgent cases, Louise White VA will accept confirmation by email without a signature, with a signed confirmation letter to follow by post or email as soon as possible.
All charges are in accordance with the current rates and are subject to review annually. VAT is not applicable.
If deemed necessary, Louise White VA reserves the right to request a deposit of 30% of the original estimate in advance from the client.
All stationery, material and postage costs reasonably incurred in relation to the completion of a project, will be invoiced in addition to the rates stated.
Invoices are submitted on the last day of each month following completion of work.
All invoices are in £ Sterling and will be due and payable within 7 days of issue. VAT is not applicable.
The preferred method of payment is via bank transfer.
Louise White VA will be entrusted with the client's personal data and will treat such information as confidential; to be used for no other reason other than for the purpose instructed by the client.
Such personal data will not be passed to third parties without the client's written consent.
Upon completion and payment of the work undertaken, Louise White VA will return any original materials supplied and erase any related computer files, unless otherwise instructed by the client.
Louise White VA will consider signing a separate confidentiality agreement should the client deem it necessary.
Louise White VA recognises the client's right to privacy and at all times will act in accordance with the regulations laid down under the Data Protection Act.
Louise White VA will retain intellectual property rights over all original documents, layouts and templates created, unless otherwise negotiated.
While Louise White VA endeavours at all times to ensure the accuracy of the completed work supplied to the client, it is the ultimate responsibility of the client to verify its accuracy upon receipt. Any errors identified within 14 days of completion will be rectified free of charge.